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Couch Park, Portland Parks and Recreation & Greenworks PC
Currently in construction and re-opening in Spring 2019

Legacy Grove Park, Greater Clark Foundation & Learning Landscapes
This urban park is a place to connect with neighbors and includes a two-acre play area, nature trails, walking paths, a dog park and open lawns. The park will be ADA-accessible with a paved walking path throughout and the play area will have options for children of all abilities.

Oxbow Regional Park, Metro Parks & Learning Landscapes
Learning Landscapes worked closely with Metro staff to design engaging areas at Oxbow Regional Park for kids to engage with nature. The site is rich with interesting plants and animals as well as an active history. But, often these stories are lost on park visitors. The Oxbow Adventure concept that Learning Landscapes developed provides base camps where kids can choose an adventure to go on. At each base camp is a nature themed play area that provides hands on play as well as a sneak peak into the natural history and resource at the park.

Poly Vista Park, Land Design Inc & Billings Park and Recreation
Land Design Inc. in association with Let Kids Play, is honored to be a part of the recently adopted Poly Vista Park Master Plan, which will be the new home to Billings’ first Inclusive Playground and Miracle Field. The park will provide recreational opportunities for the special needs community of Billings, in honor of Landon Smith. Special recognition is due to the Landon’s Legacy Foundation, Billings Kiwanis and Billings Parks and Recreation, for their great vision, dedication and generosity toward our community. THANK YOU to all the families who took the time to contribute to the creation of this Master Plan. Your stories are a continuing source of inspiration for all of us!

Inclusive Play Design Guide, Playworld
Working with Playworld, Let Kids Play developed a working group of diverse thinkers to create the most comprehensive guide on inclusive play. Let Kids Play compiled and edited the Inclusive Play Design Guide. Conducted an international peer review of the Guide. And has updated the guide multiple times.

Infinet, Playworld
Working with the Product Development group at Playworld, Let Kids Play have influenced the design of many pieces of playground equipment. The Infinet was designed to enable children to work their vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile and vision sensory systems. It has an easy transfer station and a low to ground web net for beginner climbers, sitters, and crawlers. While many people look at Infinet and say that isn't an Inclusive Design, the autistic children who play tested equipment along with Let Kids Play, would disagree.

Playground Grass by Foreverlawn
Working with Playground Grass by Foreverlawn, Let Kids Play helped them recruit children with disabilities for a photoshoot and provided a review of their product