PlayPower is a family of brands dedicated to enabling people of all ages to experience the power of play. They are world leader in producing premier recreation equipment, from commercial playgrounds to floating boat docks. Let Kids Play provides consulting to four of their playground brands: Playworld, Miracle, Little Tikes, and Hags. Work includes editing the Inclusive Play Design Guide, providing input through our the product development stage of playground equipment, developing training and marketing materials for both internal and external customers.

Learning Landscapes is a full service landscape architecture and design firm that focuses on creating inspiring places for learning and play. Let Kids Play is a member of the Learning Landscapes team when a customer is emphasizing inclusion. Projects have included a schematic drawing for Oxbow Metro Park outside of Portland, OR, Development of Project 1107 for Greater Clark County in Kentucky, and beginning designs for a preschool in New Jersey.

GreenWorks is a Portland, Oregon-based firm specializing in landscape architecture and environmental design. Let Kids Play worked the on re-development of Couch Park playground in coordination with the Portland Parks and Recreation Association. The new playground is designed to provide meaningful play activities for all abilities.

Land Design, Inc. is an award winning Landscape Architecture and Land Planning firm based in Montana. Let Kids Play was a member of the team put together by Land Design at the request of Billings Parks and Recreation to develop a master plan for Poly Vista playground. The master plan included a list of equipment recommended to ensure that all ages and abilities could play at the playground.

Larkin’s Place at the Y, Let Kids Play wrote the business plan for Larkin’s Place at the Y and has provided project .

Community Day School is an independent, private, Jewish day school. Let Kids Play led a Community Build Playground for the school, recruiting close to 200 volunteers. In addition, Let Kids Play has written grants, conducted market research and implemented new programming.

Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania Let Kids Play assisted with the project management of the creation of a new natural play area.