For a full list of playgrounds in Minnesota, please visit our Accessible Playground Directory
Brooklyn Park
River Park — located at 101 83rd Ave N. This inclusive PlayBooster® playstructure welcomes all children to the center of the action. An elevated berm attaches to the playstructure to put kids at the top of the structure, and poised to fly down the SpyroSlide™. Additionally, lots of play panels are available for social play. The playground equipment is from Landscape Structures Inc. and was built by Flagship Recreation.

Groveland Elementary School–located at 17310 Minnetonka Blvd. The playground is open to the public during non-school hours. The manufacturer of the equipment is Landscape Structures. The playground includes: an EVOS structure, a roller slide, a Sway Fun, belt swings and an accessible swing seat, a sand play area, and a climbing net. NOTE: The surfacing is a combination of pour-in-place and engineered wood mulch. School hosts special events for families at the playground. See pictures of the playground
Red Wing
Universal Playground — is located at Colvill Park, 510 Nymphara Lane. This playground has 2 play structures plus the Universal Playground, with various swings, slides and play equipment.

Our Discovery Garden is located next to the Red Wing Universal Garden at Colvill Park, 510 Nymphara Lane. The Discovery Garden is a wheelchair-accessible raised bed garden for children and people of all ages and abilities. Our garden was created to please all the senses and we encourage every visitor to not only look, but to stop and smell, touch and even listen to the plants.

Silver Lake Community Playground (also called Children’s Adventure Playground)—resides in Silver Lake Park, 7th St NE & W Silver Lake Dr. This is a large destination playground with a train theme done by Kompan.

St. Cloud
Kaleidoscope Playground–resides in Wilson Park, 625 Riverside Drive. This playground includes a Sway-Fun, ramped bridges, play panels and a separate play area for children ages 2-5. There is also a community produced mosaic mural created under the direction of local artist Claire Witt.

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